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Case Studies

HSBC Direct Swansea

HSBC Direct Swansea is one of the largest employers on Swansea Enterprise Park employing over 1000 staff and accommodating a minimum of 750 people onsite on a daily basis.

HSBC has achieved their Platinum level Welsh Travel Plan Award in recognition of their continuous success and innovation in travel planning. They were presented with their award at the SWWITCH (South West Wales Integrated Transport Consortia) awards ceremony at Dyfed Powys Police HQ on March 5th 2012. Their travel plan recognises HSBC’s business responsibility to actively promote and support any mode of sustainable transport that improve access to employment and positive impacts on the surrounding natural environment.

Through positive partnership working with Traveline Cymru and SWWITCH, in 2011 HSBC successfully trained a further 15 Smart Travel Champions who are able to disseminate sustainable transport information to colleagues. The champion’s photographs have been posted on the travel plan notice board so that other staff can contact them with any transport related queries.

HSBC has improved onsite congestion and car parking issues by running a free park and ride service from the nearby Liberty Stadium. A park and ride rota means that each member of staff takes turns to park off site or on site. Guaranteed car parking spaces are also available for car sharers.

The HSBC Ty Dyffryn internal car share group was launched in 2011 and has proved hugely successful in matching car share partners to achieve huge savings! HSBC commuters have saving an incredible £36,082.24, 39940kg of co2 emissions, and 1760 trees!

Motorbike parking spaces and bicycle storage is also provided for staff travelling by these modes, and incentives offered during national events such as Bike to Work week. Bike MOT’s were carried out in 2011 in conjunction with roadshows that promoted the best cycle and walking paths.

Travel for business purposes is encouraged on public transport, and accurate timetable information made available, along with the promotion of the Traveline Cymru services.

These measures are supported by many more including; pool car, telephone/video conferencing, concierge service, on site restaurant/shop, outside seating, visiting retailers, cyber café, careers advisor, and games room. These measures collectively reduce the need for people to travel during the working day and have proved worthwhile.