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Business Services

The Welsh Government fund four Travel Plan Coordinators across Wales to support you through every step of the Travel Plan writing and implementation process.

The team are working with businesses and other organisations and seeing some really good examples of change in travel behaviour.

No matter what size of your organisation, the team are ready to help and support you. Some of the benefits seen by organisations already working with the team are:

  • Reduction in single occupancy cars to site, causing less congestion
  • Improved car share take up
  • Fitter, more active employees
  • Lower sickness levels
  • Reduced attrition rates
  • Improved access to site
  • Cost savings

Travel Plans can also provide valuable evidence to gain other Awards and Standards such as:

  • Corporate Health standard (over 50 staff)
  • Small workplace Health Awards (under 50 staff)
  • Investors in People
  • Green Dragon / ISO140001
  • BSI PAS500:2008

Useful Links:
The Corporate Health Standard
Investors in People
Groundwork Wales

The following two new initiatives are now available to organisations throughout Wales:

Smart Travel Training

This tried and tested tailored training package is available free of charge to all businesses and organisations across Wales.
Working with partners Traveline Cymru, Sustrans and local providers, the Regional Travel Plan Team provide training sessions to a group of individuals who can then act as sustainable travel champions for their organisation. These champions will act as points of contact for employees/students/visitors or anyone else needing to make travel choices within an organisation.

Please click here for further information.

Welsh Travel Plan Awards

The Welsh Travel Plan Awards is a reward and recognition scheme to celebrate the achievements of organisations. Many organisations in Wales lead the way in their sustainable approach to travel and transport within their organisation. Many see the implementation of a Travel Plan as part of their Corporate Social responsibility.

Please click here for further information or contact your Regional Travel Plan Coordinator at activetravel@wales.gsi.gov.uk

Forums and Networks

There are a number of Travel Plan forums and networks in Wales which you may be interested in attending, or alternatively where there is not one in your area maybe you would like to host one. Contact your Regional Travel Plan Coordinator for more details and information on other products and services offered.

If you have your own Forum or Network and you would like one of the Regional Travel Plan Coordinators to attend please invite us along.

Who are the Regional Travel Plan Coordinators already working with?

Here are some of the organisations in Wales who are already working with the Travel Plan Coordinators and seeing the benefits.

  • The NHS in Wales
  • DVLA
  • Virgin Media
  • Land Registry
  • Airbus Broughton
  • HE/FE Colleges and Universities
  • Jobcentre Plus
  • Working Links
  • Dyfed Powys Police
  • Admiral Group
  • South Wales Ambulance Service
  • Liberty Stadium
  • Intellectual Property Office
  • International Rectifier
  • PHS Group
  • Farmers Boy (part of Morrisons)