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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Agreement between you the 'User' and this ‘Website’ www.traveline.cymru.

This Website is offered as a free service. Your use of this Website and/or your acceptance without modification of the Terms and Conditions contained herein constitutes your agreement to all such Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions then you are not authorised to use this Website and should immediately desist from further unauthorised use of this Website (we suggest you close your browser to ensure all information has been cleared from your PC; we do not use cookies or any other device to store any information on a user's computer other than the browser's memory). We reserve the right to modify, alter, or otherwise update these Terms and Conditions at any time and you agree to be bound by such modifications, alterations, or updates.

Third-Party Websites/Linked Websites:

We may provide links to Websites maintained by others (‘Third-Party Websites’). We have not reviewed all of the Third-Party Websites thusly linked to our Website and are not responsible for the contents of or any products or services offered in such Third-Party Websites.

Personal and Non-Commercial Use Limitation:

This Website has been provided for personal and non-commercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, products or services obtained from information derived from this Website.


This Website is provided for information only. We are not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any form of damages whatsoever resulting from the use (or misuse) of information contained in or implied by the information on this site, and as such are not responsible for the consequences resulting from the use of such information.

Data Protection

When will we collect information from users?

When you register an account on this website or when you sign up to receive our email newsletter.

What information will we collect?

We will only collect information you choose to provide.

An email address will be required to register an account and to sign up for the newsletter.

Your name is required to register an account.

Your mobile number is optional.

How will we use the information we collect?

To send you notifications of disruptions affecting your favourite routes. You have the option to choose this or not, and if you wish to receive the information by SMS, email, or both.

To send you emails, only if you have signed up to the newsletter.

Can users correct, edit or delete their information?

You can unsubscribe from our newsletter mailing list in your emails. Once unsubscribed, we will not continue to send to this address.

Once registered with an account, you can edit your account information under the ‘Account’ tab when logged in.

You can also choose ‘Forgotten password’ to change your current password.


If you wish to discuss our Privacy Policy, please email us at general@traveline.cymru. If you believe you have received unsolicited email from our organisation then please send your complaint to us along with a copy of the unsolicited email and we will do everything we can to ensure that this does not happen again.

We do not automatically collect any information about users of this website. We do collect information about users who choose to voluntarily communicate with us through email or via submission of our contact pages or enquiry form. We also collate general aggregate information about use of the website for statistical purposes.

Upon written request we will provide all information held about a specific user; however, proof of identity will be required before we provide that information.

If you provide information to us via our contact forms you will only receive a response to your reasons for contact, we will not contact you for any other reason. However, if we feel we have an offer or new service relating to your specific enquiry we may contact you again in the future. If you do not wish to be contacted in this way, and would like to unsubscribe from our database, please let us know by sending us a brief email. We will not pass your information to a third party unless otherwise requested by yourself.

We reserve the right to change the wording of this policy at any time. If we feel it is appropriate to change this policy we will notify users of this website by posting the new wording on this web page.